Saturday, September 22, 2012

No More Drama

**DISCLAIMER: I've been thinking about writing this post for a while now.  At first I wasn't going to do it because I know there's going to be some kind of backlash, but I decided that if I'm going to live up to the theme of this blog and stay true to myself then I have to write it.  If you get upset with this post I sincerely apologize for hurting your feelings.  But I don't apologize for what I'm going to say.**

Yesterday I came to a realization.  I have a silent family.  That doesn't mean that everyone is a mute.  No, it's actually quite the opposite.  My family is full of loudmouths.  There's always somebody ready and willing to pop off about whatever.  But nobody talks about anything.  At least not anything important.

That really bothers me.  I think if people stopped trying to seem so...invincible and really sat down and talked things out with each other there wouldn't be a need to do all of the yelling and screaming and other foolishness.  I realize that it's a defense mechanism though.  All of that rah rah is a distraction.  Like a magic trick, do something fancy with your right hand so nobody pays attention to your left.

I get it.

I just don't like it.

I have a reputation for telling people like it is.  But I save that superpower for friends and strangers.  I don't ever really go there with my family.  Well, yesterday I decided that I'm not going to do that anymore.  You come to me with a problem and we are going to talk about the real issue.  You don't want to talk about the real issue? Then you don't want to talk to me.

I've spent 34 years on pointe dancing around problems.  My feet are tired people.  So, I'm just gonna sit down and relax.  I'm not going to let worrying about what everybody else is doing cause me to have ulcers, high blood pressure, and migraines.  No, I feel like if I'm going to suffer through all of that, it's gonna be because of my own bullshit.  And Lord knows I have enough of my own.

From this point on Tee doesn't want talk about who made you mad.  I don't want to hear about what dumb shit other people are doing.  I don't want to listen to you complain about how the world has done you wrong.  I don't have any more time for victims, charlatans, and fools.  I just don't.

This is what we are going to do if you feel like you absolutely need to talk to me.  We are going to talk about why you are in the position that you are complaining about.  What did you do to end up there? What are you doing to get out? This is about owning your shit and taking responsibility for the shit storms in your life.

We are going to take that big ass elephant in the room for a walk.

And when we are done taking those laps I'm still going to love you. Nothing will ever, ever change that. And I hope that you feel the same. You probably won't like me though.  And that's fine, you don't have to like me, just get in line behind all the others.  As long as the message gets across I'll be just fine.

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