Saturday, September 29, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 24 - What Gives You Sincere Happiness?


Hearing people laugh. Seeing people laugh. Being doubled over with laughter. Laughing so hard I cry. Laughing so hard I snort. All of that brings me unspeakable joy.

There are so many things in my life that I have to take seriously, that when I have an opportunity to laugh at something I jump all over it.

This is also why I've honed my ability to find the ability to laugh at just about anything. Finding the funny in something that other people may take too seriously helps me keep my blood pressure down. It's not always good when I start giggling in the middle of a "serious" meeting or church service, but this is my coping mechanism.

If you are ever around me and hear the delightful sound of my laughter (some people would say it sounds like Tickle Me Elmo...I'm not so sure), there's an 84.72% chance that I'm not laughing at you. This doesn't mean that I'm dissing you.  This just means that you amuse me.  That's not a bad thing.  Trust me. When I'm not laughing at you is when you have a problem.

I have a serious habit of laughing at inappropriate things. I spend hours on youtube and World Star Hip Hop looking at the foolishness that people upload to the internet. But do you want to know what makes me laugh the most? The news.

You may think all the reports of crime, recession, and the end of days is depressing.  But you have to look past the message that is being given and concentrate on the people giving the message. Newscasters are comedic gold. Their faces and reactions when reporting on stories like the mating habits of two suburban squirrels or other dumb shit are always priceless. Sometimes, you luck up on a story where they can't even contain themselves. When you get this kind of gold hold it close to your heart. It will get you through the lean times in your life.

Here are some awesome real life moments from my neck of the woods.  When I tell you these gave me life? My soul is still smiling people.

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