Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Best Friends

I don't have a lot of friends. I never have. I've just never been the I have to have a lot of friends type.

Wanna know something else? Every friend I have made me be their friend. I tried as hard as I could to be antisocial, unfriendly, and pretty much an all around jerk to make them go away. 

Turns out, that kind of stuff is what makes real friends stay. Every single one of them saw through that tough outer shell that I have and got to know the real me. (See also, yesterday's post)

For that reason, I feel like it's disrespectful to pick out one and say that he or she is the "best." They all show me their best self and I do my best to show them the same. 

Every single one of my friends is awesome and special to me. I know I don't tell them as often as I should that I love them and admire them. But I do. 

I don't tell them enough I'm proud of them. But I am. 

I don't talk to them as much as I should. I always say that I'm going to get rid of them. Some of them I even threaten with murder. But they take all terroristic threats with love so don't be calling the people on me. 

So instead of me talking about my best friend. I've decided to tell you why my friends are the best. I made a list. Because that's what I do. 


Reasons Why My Friends Are The Best
  1. They get me. The weird sense of humor, sarcasm, wit, shadiness. They get all of it. And they entertain it. 
  2. They know what I've been through and they don't judge me for it.
  3. They always know the right moment to call or send a text to check on me or make me laugh.
  4. They don't let me disappear.
  5. They bail me out of jail.
  6. They will always throw the first punch in a fight for my honor. 
  7. They make me smile.
  8. They have cute kids that don't act like heathens and make me want to punt them out of the room.
  9. They believe in me. Even when I don't believe in myself.
  10. They know I'm not as hard I try to make folks believe, but they never call me on it.
  11. They send me snacks because they know my options here in the frozen tundra are slim.
So there. Ten reasons plus a bonus on why my friends are better than your friends. 

You mad?

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