Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's My Antiversary...I Think...

I just realized something.  A date that has been very significant to me in the past few years just passed, and I didn't realize it until about 15 minutes ago.

Forgetting a day on a calendar may not be a big deal to some, but this is a significant sign of healing and change for me.  For years, I have dreaded seeing this date on the calendar.  I would seriously cry and go into a deep depression on this day every single year.  I can't begin to describe the amount of pain that this date has caused.  But it's safe to say that on this day my life changed so drastically that I just knew in my heart that I would always remember it.

But this year I didn't.  This year there were no tears.  There was no fear.  There was no feeling of dread or impending doom.

There was...nothing.

YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!! Copious amounts of Dougie's are being hit right now.

You cannot imagine how light and fluffy I feel right now!! It is such an amazing feeling to know that an old wound has healed.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this because I want you all to know that you can get past the worst thing that's ever happened to you.  It may take a while, but if you are patient and resilient and commit to your recovery, one of these days you might not even remember why you are being so committed.

I went from wanting to crawl inside myself and hibernate from for the entire Fall and Winter seasons to enjoying the changes in the colors on the leaves and remembering why holidays like Thanksgiving should make me smile.

I've committed myself to my happiness.  I'm no longer holding on to the things that hurt me or the things that remind me of troublesome times.  I have so much more life to live, there's really no reason for me to be wasting the time that's been given to me by dwelling on things that I can't even control.

Trouble don't last always.

Picture me rollin'.

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